Starting point:
Drive from Kamnik in the direction of Kamniška Bistrica. From the hut in Kamniška Bistrica proceed on a dirt road (pretty rough in some places). Turn left on a crossroad of equivalent dirt roads and drive to the station of a cargo cableway which runs to 'Cojzova Koča' hut. Park there.
A signpost directs you towards 'Kokrško Sedlo' saddle from the cargo cableway station. The ascent starts in a beech forest, which gradually becomes less dense and towering walls begin to surround you from both sides. Rise up on a gravel path to 'Kokrško Sedlo' saddle, where 'Cojzova Koča' hut is located and then continue to the right. Before long you will come to a path-crossroad and turn left towards Grintovec, which already reveals its summit pyramid in front of you. The terrain here is amazing. The path flattens out, crosses to the left and runs across meadows dotted with stones and boulders. A perfect place for a rest. Later it gets steeper again, there is less grass and more rocks with every step. The path is easy throughout and suitable for anyone who is physically fit enough to overcome 1500 altitude meters. Towards the top the path is less clear and runs over a 'marked pathless' rocky area. The view is spectacular, as it should be on such a high mountain.
For those who are used to steel cables and precipitous terrain I suggest a descent across 'Mlinarsko Sedlo' saddle. Go down northwards from the summit. The terrain is crumbling and soon you come across the first steel cables. If you are uncomfortable here, it is better to go back and return on the path of your ascent. Otherwise carry on descending to a rough scree-slope where markings guide you to the right. You will reach steel cables once more and an extremely exposed narrow path will lead you on the ridge towards to 'Mlinarsko Sedlo' saddle. From the saddle descend in the direction of 'Cojzova Koča' hut. Walk across a fantastically wild karstic terrain, filled with holes and shafts. The path is well marked and you should pay attention to the markings, otherwise you can get lost quickly. You will have great difficulties here in fog. The path takes you past two path-crossroads and you continue descending southwards throughout. You will go past a bivouac below Grintovec and then cross a somewhat steeper terrain, where some caution is needed. You have to ascend a bit. A quick descent to 'Cojzova Koča' hut comes after that and continue to the valley on the same way.
Highest point/summit:
Grintovec: 2558 m
Parking - 'Kokrško sedlo' saddle: 2 h
'Kokrško sedlo' saddle - Grintovec: 2 h
Grintovec - 'Mlinarsko sedlo' saddle - 'Kokrško sedlo' saddle: 3 h
'Kokrško sedlo' saddle - Parking: 1.30 h
Total: 8.30 h
2 - The whole route of the ASCENT is technically easy. WARNING: The described descent across 'Mlinarsko Sedlo' saddle is a very difficult secured path (via-ferrata)! It runs across exposed, but well secured sections. The terrain is crumbling in some places. It is only suitable for skilled mountaineers. The difficulty grade of the descent from Grintovec summit to 'Mlinarsko Sedlo' saddle is 5!
Type of path: Marked path